JUST NOW: American reality TV star Tyler Henry outlines his five reasons for quitting…

Just now: American reality TV star Tyler Henry outlines his five reasons for quitting…

One of the most well-known clairvoyants in the world today is Tyler Henry, host of the Netflix reality series Life After Death with Tyler Henry. The native of central California first became aware of the supernatural abilities that would be the focus of his streaming series when he was ten years old. The 2016 debut of E!’s Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry, which featured Henry reading for celebrities including Ellen Degeneres, Sofia Vergara, and Jim Parsons, exposed Henry and his skills for four seasons.

Henry is a best-selling author of Between Two Worlds: Lessons from the Other Side and Here and Hereafter, in addition to his work on television. Henry recently spoke with the Television Academy about his profession, passions, and hobbies as he got ready to go on a live tour.

1. The novel he hopes to see made into a television series is…

Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley is an in-depth, painstakingly researched biography of the infamous occultist, philosopher, and explorer from the Victorian era.

Henry thinks a compelling series would come out of the many crazy, intelligent, contentious, magical people who led countercultural lives and met terrible deaths inside the New Thought movement, of which Crowley was a part.

2. He has an obscure pastime.

I create windows with stained glass.

3. He has conducted his own psychic readings.

When Henry needed guidance as a teenager, he went to readings. Getting readings encouraged me to explore new hobbies and concepts. One even foresaw my TV programme!

4. His alternate professional route would be…

International diplomacy—II enjoy travelling, experiencing other cultures, being spontaneous, and coming to decisions. I [must] be a good communicator since I’m a medium and orator, and diplomacy never hurts.

5. He would tell his younger self a few things.

Accept yourself as you are. I would advise against obsessing over what other people think. What some find repulsive about you may be what others find captivating. All of the people who have ever loved and believed in us have culminated in us. They are the ones who really count.”

The interview has been condensed to improve clarity and duration.