ESPN-NEWS: The Montreal Canadiens’ incredible star right wing, has officially joined the Boston Bruins. as per ESPN, A three-year, $26.4 million contract was signed after……

Cole Caufield makes NHL debut with the Montreal Canadiens

Why Matthew Poitras Skipped Last Day Of Bruins Devlopment Camp

After suffering a shoulder injury during his first NHL season, Matthew Poitras was back on the ice for the Boston Bruins development camp on Monday. The forward made an appearance for the first three days before missing out on the final day.

Watch Live: Montreal Canadiens' Cole Caufield speaks to media about injury

Poitras did not skate on Thursday due to precautionary reasons by the Bruins. On the last day, prospects played scrimmages and the team did not want any unnecessary contact for the 20-year-old just yet.

Watch Live: Montreal Canadiens' Cole Caufield speaks to media about injury

“The pros and cons of playing today, we just decided to keep him off. He’s on the right track,” player development coordinator Adam McQuaid said, per team provided video. “There were no setbacks or anything like that. We knew coming in that we were going to try to stay away from the contact.”

Watch Live: Montreal Canadiens' Cole Caufield speaks to media about injury

While the Bruins want to be cautious with Poitras’ health, he did say that he was feeling good after Day 1.

During the offseason, the youngster gained eight to nine pounds in muscle to prepare to comeback for his second season in professional hockey. Poitras’ plan right now is to be back and fully healthy for training camp in September.

Watch Live: Montreal Canadiens' Cole Caufield speaks to media about injury

He seems to be on the right track after McQuaid said that Poitras looked good during the time he did have in development camp.