July 4, 2024

Edmonton Oilers Prospect Report: How far away is Xavier Bourgault?

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Good morning Toronto Maple Leafs fans!

Xavier Bourgault gets recalled by Oilers despite disappointing season in AHL

It’s July 1st, which means it’s Canada Day! The anniversary of Confederation. The birth of a nation. Where all the trouble began, and a day I get double time!

It’s also the day we split our attention from beaches, barbecues, and naps with contracts, rumours, and salary caps.

There has already been plenty of movement we’ve covered for the Leafs that I won’t repeat:

And we have plenty of rumours going around already, like about the Leafs defensive needs.

The list of unqualified players who are now UFA:

Xavier Bourgault gets recalled by Oilers despite disappointing season in AHL

This shirt is much better than Kucherov’s over the cap one.

The Cup even when swimming.

It’s going to be a crazy day. Hopefully good for Toronto, but remember to be wary of who’s spreading rumours.

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Xavier Bourgault gets recalled by Oilers despite disappointing season in AHL

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